Inspired by a true story, today the Hallmark Channel aired an original movie called The Christmas Choir. In the film, there is a dumpster diving scene. The characters are diving for thrown out clothes. They need the clothes so that they can be presentable when they have their Choir performance. It is a curious story, if you missed it and want to see a positive example of Dumpster Diving--it airs again on Dec. 12th, 18th, and 23rd at 9PM; Dec 24th at 5PM and Dec 31st at 11PM.
Since we're talking TV and Dumpster Diving, last week on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Sally, a Master Dumpster Diver from Nevada City proved how, "One person's trash is another person's treasure." You can check out, a bit about this Master Dumpster Diver here:
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Christopher Moore
Dumpster Diving Advocate Archives
October 2012